assisting believers to become and
 do all that God has for them


Home Page -

 Sermon or
 Lesson Outlines


  1 Peter
  1 Timothy

 Bible Lesson

  1 Peter





 How To Get To

 About Mel


Extraordinary empowering by God:

--- If you want to be extraordinarily empowered by God as you do ministry, then see the information on how to acquire that empowering from God, which is contained within the document "Session 10 - Mandates Relating To 'Godliness' And 'Empowering' ", on the web page "Home Page - Ministry".

Request for prayer

Please pray that the Gospel presentation document "How To Get To Heaven" in various languages on this website would be readily accessed, effectively understood, and instrumentally used by the Lord to bring countless numbers of people around the world to salvation through faith in Jesus Christ.

An important coming reality:

Upon the start of the Great Tribulation, believers can lose their salvation.  For details, see the document "End Times Speculations", which is located at the top of the 'Doctrines' web-page.

? Did you know that:
- - God has assigned all true believers to be functioning as "priests", doing ministry work in a church or ministry.
(For more information, see the document "1 Peter 2:5 - Assigned To Be Ministering In A Priestly Fraternity" in the '1 Peter' Sermon or Lesson Outlines web-page.)

 Home Page - Ministry 

On this web site,, is offered for free all of its downloadable online Christian resources and materials, which are helpful to assist believers in doing ministry, for example such as downloadable printable expository sermon preaching outlines with included Bible study lesson questions and notes in 4 file formats (.htm, .rtf, .doc, .pdf) that can be easily browsed, copied, edited (in .rtf and .doc), or projected for preaching a sermon or for teaching a Bible study, home group, or Sunday School class of adults or teenagers.  These sermon-or-lesson outlines are intentionally designed: to expose the meaning and implications of each verse, its phrases, and its key words; to drive home a particular 'big idea' main point; and to provide plentiful corresponding applications for the lives of the people in the audience.  They include lesson questions that are designed to facilitate group thinking, discussion, investigation, analyses, discovery, and learning.

Bible college courses, seminary courses, churches, and ministries can use:
- - the 'sermon or lesson' documents as examples in training of expository sermons, Bible lessons, and evangelistic (gospel) presentations;
- - the 'elder training series' documents in training of how to be an elder, pastor, or ministry leader in a church or ministry, and how to create expository messages;
- - the 'doctrines' documents in training of various Bible doctrines, theology subjects, end-times events topics, and etcetera;
- - the 'Biblical counseling' documents in training of how to do Biblical counseling as a lay counselor;
- - the E-book, "Children of Fire", in training of parents of 'How to Effect Positive Lasting Change in [Their] Troubled Youth'; 
- - the (doctorate) Research Thesis: "Treatment For Dissociation", in presenting an effective biblical counseling-based treatment approach for the psychological condition known as 'dissociation' (split personality);
- -
other helpful documents of information for achieving spiritual healing, growth, and mental health.

Note: My ongoing intention is to continue to add more free downloadable expository documents in English (along with some in Spanish and Portuguese) in training, assisting, and equipping believers and ministry leaders in doing ministry.  Thank you for your patience.  May you find these resources helpful and a blessing.

Dr. Mel W. Coddington, Ph.D., M.A.B.C.
Ministry resource documents:

To download a document, place your cursor over the format type (.htm, .rtf, .doc, or .pdf) for the document you want, then right mouse click to cause a pop-up menu to appear, then in that menu select "Save Target As..." to copy the document file onto your computer in a directory you designate.

For a List Of Abbreviations used within these documents, click here (to access the list on the "Abbreviations & Copyrights" page).

Elder Training Series (complete) :
(contains important and useful training for anyone who leads a ministry)

Session 01 - Introduction To The Ministry Position of 'Elder', from 1 Timothy 3:1-2a, 5:17a and 1 Peter 5:1-2,4b .htm .rtf .doc .pdf
Session 02 - Qualifications Listed in 1 Timothy 3:2  .htm .rtf .doc .pdf
Session 03 - Qualifications Listed in 1 Timothy 3:3-5, with some parallels in Titus 1:7,6 and 1 Peter 5:2 .htm .rtf .doc .pdf
Session 04 - Qualifications Listed in 1 Timothy 3:6-7  .htm .rtf .doc .pdf
Session 05 - Qualifications Listed in Titus 1:7, with a parallel in 1 Peter 5:3 .htm .rtf .doc .pdf
Session 06 - A Qualification Listed in Titus 1:8, with cross-references in Romans 12:9, Titus 2:7, and 2 Timothy 3:17 .htm .rtf .doc .pdf
Session 07 - More Qualifications Listed in Titus 1:8 .htm .rtf .doc .pdf
Session 08 - Qualifications Listed in Titus 1:9 .htm .rtf .doc .pdf
Session 09 - Qualifications Listed in 1 Peter 5:2-3, with cross-references in Titus 2:7 and 1 Timothy 4:12b .htm .rtf .doc .pdf
Session 10 - Mandates Relating To 'Godliness' And 'Empowering' .htm .rtf .doc .pdf
Session 11 - Spiritual Gifts - Introduction .htm .rtf .doc .pdf
Session 12 - Spiritual Gifts of 'Serving', 'Help Others', 'Contributing To The Needs Of Others (Giving)' .htm .rtf .doc .pdf
Session 13 - Spiritual Gifts of 'Showing Mercy', 'Faith', 'Encouraging' .htm .rtf .doc .pdf
Session 14 - Spiritual Gifts of 'Message Of Knowledge', 'Message Of Wisdom', 'Teaching' .htm .rtf .doc .pdf
Session 15 - Spiritual Gifts of 'Preaching', 'Evangelist (Evangelism)', 'Leadership' .htm .rtf .doc .pdf
Session 16 - Spiritual Gifts of 'Administration', 'Pastors (Pastoring)', with a section on 'Steps To Discovering Your Spiritual Gift(s)' .htm .rtf .doc .pdf
Session 17 - Mandates Relating To 'Thoroughly Equipped', 'Sound Doctrine', And 'Handling The Scriptures' .htm .rtf .doc .pdf
Session 18 - Job Duty of 'Directing The Affairs Of The Church': Relating Spiritual Dynamics And Main Objectives .htm .rtf .doc .pdf
Session 19 - Job Duty of 'Directing The Affairs Of The Church': Categories Of Church Personnel, Finances, Property, Policies, Doctrines, and Programs / Activities .htm .rtf .doc .pdf
Session 20 - Job Duty of 'Directing The Affairs Of The Church': Category Of Church Interpersonal Regard / Interactions / Functioning - PART 1: Oneness; United; In Agreement; Disagreement / Division; Cooperation / Collaboration; Negative Interactions .htm .rtf .doc .pdf
Session 21 - Job Duty of 'Directing The Affairs Of The Church': Category Of Church Interpersonal Regard / Interactions / Functioning - PART 2: Peace; Appropriate Treatment .htm .rtf .doc .pdf
Session 22 - Job Duty of 'Directing The Affairs Of The Church': Category Of Making Fruit-bearing Disciples .htm .rtf .doc .pdf
Session 23 - Job Duty of 'Extensively Use The Scriptures Comprehensively' - PART 1: Read the Scriptures; Feature, And Expose The Meaning Of A (selected) Scripture In Each Message .htm .rtf .doc .pdf
Session 24 - Job Duty of 'Extensively Use The Scriptures Comprehensively' - PART 2: Construct A Message On The (selected) Scripture; Apply That Scripture To The Lives Of The Audience People .htm .rtf .doc .pdf
Session 25 - Job Duty of 'Extensively Use The Scriptures Comprehensively' - PART 3: Delivery Of The Message - in Preaching .htm .rtf .doc .pdf
Session 26 - Job Duty of 'Extensively Use The Scriptures Comprehensively' - PART 4: Delivery Of The Message - in Teaching .htm .rtf .doc .pdf
Session 27 - Job Duty of 'Extensively Use The Scriptures Comprehensively' - PART 5: Biblical Counseling; Evangelism; Ministry Approach .htm .rtf .doc .pdf
These are all of the sessions for the Elder Training Series herein above.

How To Preach Or Teach A Message That Is Expository:
- - In the "Elder Training Series" above, see the documents "Sessions 23-26".

Small Groups:

Cultivating Outreach In Small Groups
(Research Paper)

Formulates an extensive and cohesive approach to overcoming numerous challenges in implementing outreach in small groups
.rtf .doc .pdf
Small Group Dynamics from a Biblical and Theological Perspective (Research Paper)
Presents an overview of the main dynamics of spiritual small groups, from a Christian ministry perspective
.rtf .doc .pdf


The Teaching Style And Methodology of
by Tina A. Coddington
(Research Paper)
An overview of the characteristics of the teaching style and methodology that Jesus used
.htm .rtf .doc .pdf

Pastoral Ministry:

Philosophy of Church Discipline
(Expository Essay)

Formulates from Scriptures the various aspects of implementing church discipline
.htm .rtf .doc .pdf
Philosophy of Pastoral Care of Women,
by David M. Coddington
(Expository Essay)
An examination of how pastors should minister to women
.htm .rtf .doc .pdf
Philosophy of Pastoral Ministry,
by David M. Coddington
(Theological Essay)
Formulates from Scriptures the purpose, responsibilities, roles, qualifications, and calling of a pastor
.htm .rtf .doc .pdf

Counseling used with Leadership:

Leading Change - Reducing Resistance Through Counseling (Research Paper)  (duplicated listing)
Proposes and describes a theoretical strategy of utilizing biblical counseling in order to reduce resistance to the implementation of change in a church or ministry
.rtf .doc .pdf

Physical Environments:

Beauty, Architecture, and Money in the Church, by David M. Coddington
(Expository Essay)
An examination from a biblical perspective of how the physical environments that are present in a church facility can affect the pursuit of spiritual goals
.htm .rtf .doc .pdf

Ministry Tips:

- - Church-planting:   A primary reason why church-plants do not succeed is because God's people and/or God's servants fail or downright refuse to make the sacrifices that are necessary for the church-plant to sufficiently develop, progress, and come to viability and self-sustaining.  Apparently, they fail to realize and/or accept the importance that church-planting plays in God's program to build His kingdom.
- -
To substantiate these assertions from the Scriptures, and in brief:
- - - -
since the time of Jesus Christ on this earth, the church is the main element in God's program (Matthew 16:18);
- - - - through the church, the gospel is preached to the world (Ephesians 3:4-10);
- - - - during the early time of the Apostle Paul's ministry to share the gospel with the Gentiles and plant churches among them, the Philippian church was the only church who had enough concern for him and his ministry work to therein send support to him, and repeatedly
(Philippians 4:10 with verses 4:15-16 and verse 1:5).

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - Precautions For New Workers And Leaders In Ministry
NEW (August, 2024)
- - Stay Faithful To Fulfilling Your Calling .htm
- - Qualified Pastor .htm
- - Always Teaching The "Milk", Never Teaching The "Solid Food" .htm
- - Is Your Church Significantly Deficient? .htm
- - Highly-qualified Volunteers .htm
- - Train Your Elders .htm
- - Build A Team .htm
- - Recommendations When Looking For Ministry Employment .htm

- - Evangelism:  The most resistant and difficult place to do evangelism is in the church, but the most fruitful place to do evangelism is in the church.
Current Events:

- - Expect To Increasingly Incur Property Damage And Losses Of Various Kinds .htm
- - How Did Noah Get All Of The Species Of Birds Into The Ark? .htm
- - Expect Things To Get Worse .htm
- - End-times Drug Usage .htm
- - Mass-broadcasting Slander .htm

Concepts to ponder:

- - Life is one big test.

- - The Bible teaches that some psychological and medical conditions can have a spiritual component and a spiritual source (see "Psychological Conditions" on the Counseling page). 
Practical Ministry:

Sometimes, doing ministry involves encountering situations that require challenging improvising in using the resources God has given you:


A main goal of this website is to cultivate, develop, train, and equip leaders to do the work of ministry, and to possess and exhibit the qualities of gentle persuasion, patient endurance, servant leadership, Kingdom perspective, shepherding the flock, feeding the Word, spiritual maturity, and ministry oriented.

Another main goal and focus for is to nurture God's people so that they excel at becoming fruit-bearing disciples, who then proceed to excel at making other fruit-bearing disciples, growing the local church, and serving in its ministries.


Sección de recursos en español.
(Resources section in Spanish.)
Seção do recursos em português.
(Resources section in Portuguese.)

"How To Get To Heaven" - in:

(These documents can be printed to give the gospel to people who speak one of these languages.)
Afrikaans , Albanian , Amharic , Arabic , Armenian , Assamese , Aymara , Azerbaijani , Bambara , Basque , Belarusian , Bengali , Bhojpuri , Bosnian , Bulgarian , Catalan , Cebuano , Chichewa , Chinese , Croatian , Czech , Danish , Dogri , Dutch , English-adults , English-youths , English-HB , Estonian , Ewe , Finnish , French , Frisian-Western , Galician , Georgian , German , Greek , Guarani , Gujarati , Haitian-Creole , Hausa , Hebrew , Hindi , Hmong , Hungarian , Icelandic , Igbo , ilocano , Indonesian , Italian , Japanese , Javanese , Kannada , Kazakh , Khmer , Kinyarwanda , Konkani , Korean , Krio , Kurdish-Kurmanji , Kurdish-Sorani , Kyrgyz , Lao , Latvian , Lingala , Lithuanian , Luganda , Luxembourgish , Maithili , Malagasy , Malay , Malayalam , Maltese , Marathi , Mizo , Mongolian , Myanmar-Burmese , Nepali , Norwegian , Odia-Oriya , Oromo , Pashto , Persian , Polish , Portuguese , Punjabi , Quechua , Romanian , Russian , Samoan , Sepedi , Serbian , Sesotho , Shona , Sindhi , Sinhala , Slovak , Slovenian , Somali , Spanish , Sundanese , Swahili , Swedish , Tagalog , Tajik , Tamil , Tatar , Telugu , Thai , Tigrinya , Tsonga , Turkish , Turkmen , Twi , Ukrainian , Urdu , Uyghur , UzbekVietnamese , Welsh , Xhosa , Yoruba , Zulu 

                    What's New:

_________ September, 2024 ________

- - A new 'sermon or lesson' series, entitled " Pursue Wisdom ", is now being added, and is located near the middle of the "Topical" web-page.

___________ August, 2024 __________

- - A new 'Ministry Tips' document, entitled "Precautions For New Workers And Leaders In Ministry", has been added to the "Home Page - Ministry" web-page.

_________ September, 2023 _________

- - A new counseling document, entitled "Recovering From Ministerial Abuse, Assault, Murder", has been added to the "Counseling" web-page.

__________ August, 2023 __________

- - A new session document, entitled "Session 00 - Overview", has been added to the "Biblical Counseling Training Series for Lay Counselors", which is located near the top of the "Counseling" web-page.

___________ June, 2023 ___________

- - The new "Elder Training Series" is located near the top of this "Home Page - Ministry" web-page and contains important and useful training for anyone who leads a ministry.

- - Persons newly distinctly moving towards full-time ministry:
- - Because it happens so rarely, it is quite thrilling and exhilarating to see when a person or married couple pops-up and starts distinctly moving in the direction towards possibly one day going into full-time ministry. 
- - When this movement first starts to become evident, it would be a good idea and important at that time to have a suitable leader in the church assigned to them to personally coach, train, equip, monitor, assist, and advise them, checking-in or meeting with them preferably once at least every 3 weeks. 
- - At each of these check-in's, it is furthermore very important to ask them if they are having or are experiencing any difficulties, or problems, or issues, or hindering challenges in their ministry functioning and/or their academic ministry schooling. 
- - Otherwise, they are not likely to bring up or mention struggles that they are having if they are not directly asked if they are having any.
- - Even though each of these new potentially-full-time ministry workers obviously may have already demonstrated God-given abilities to do ministry well, nevertheless it would be wise to ensure at this early stage that they get off to a good start and not become derailed or crash-and-burn while they are learning how to do and lead a ministry in a church environment.
- - Furthermore, be aware that if God wants and is moving those particular persons in your church to indeed one day be in full-time ministry, then God has obligated your church to
now help them in every way that your church and its members can
.  God has placed and raised up those persons in your church, which therefore makes it your church's responsibility and duty to help them.
- - Consequently and logically, such help should include providing: needed financial support; housing support, perhaps in the parsonage (if applicable); support for tuition and other related expenses for ministry training by a sound-doctrined Bible college or seminary; exposure to how church leadership functions, by observing your leadership meetings; hands-on experience in doing and leading a ministry; intentional mentoring from seasoned excellent top leaders in your church; and etcetera.
- - To ignore or skimp in supplying these forms of needed support that your church can provide to your persons who are moving towards full-time ministry is a gross failure to fulfill this duty that God has assigned to your church.


- - Running out of time:
We (servants of God) are running out of time to get everything done - all of our ministry work, because April 3, 2034 is coming quickly.  As
" spoken of through the prophet Isaiah [40:4] : " A voice of one calling in the desert, `Prepare the way for the Lord, make straight paths for him.' ""  (Matthew 3:3)
- - A relating end times event to currently watch for: If the construction of the Temple in Jerusalem indeed will start in the middle of the year 2034, therefore it seems logical and necessary that Jehovah God would need to utterly flatten in an earthquake the Dome Of The Rock mosque years before 2034, which of course could occur any day now until then.
(written in September, 2023)


- - Details about 'Permission To Translate These Documents Into Your Language' can be found in the 'Copyrights' section on the "Abbreviations, Copyrights, Resources" web page.

Translating Help Needed
- - I am wanting to partner with a person (or group) in the ministry work of translating some of my ministry documents from English into Spanish, to be placed in the Spanish
section of my website. 
- - Similarly, I am wanting a person (or group) to translate my ministry website documents from English into Portuguese, to be placed in the Portuguese section of my website. 
- - Do you know of anyone (or group) who may be interested in doing this kind of ministry work that has proven to reach countless numbers of people in various places in the world?
- - Please pray that more persons and groups would be raised up to translate the documents on my ministry website into their native foreign language and post them on their website for free download.